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How Did Copper Collective Begin?

Hey, hi, how ya durrn'? my name is Allison and if you would have asked me at any point of my life if I thought I would end up in fashion – I would have asked “What about my t-shirt and jeans says fashionista?”

As it turns out, my incessant online shopping and obsession with problem solving led me here!

Like a lot of people, online shopping became a main hobby of mine during the 2020 Pandemic. I struggled to find a balance between TikTok-trending crop tops and tennis skirts; and frumpy, “mature” clothing. I also noticed a lot of Millennials were having the same problem. Thus, Copper Collective was born.

While the idea of shopping for a living sounded fun, the real reason I wanted to devote my time, energy, and money into Copper is to provide a practical, relatable, and needed solution for women.

For women who maybe don't have the body they had in high school (I sure don't), but still want to feel flirty, fun, and fashionable.

For women who live dynamic lives and have more than one aesthetic.

For women who want to follow the latest trend, but thought they "couldn't pull off" because it wasn't presented for their age group.

For women. That's my 'why'.

My goal is to build a community of busy, loving, smart, driven, everyday women through this website. The adventure in starting from the ground up is I can tailor the products to what you want to wear and the pieces you need. 


Ok, But What About the Name?

What a ride name selection was. I would fall in love with a name then hate it two minutes later. I wanted something that was universal, but was also feminine and meant something to me. Copper is actually inspired by a song from my favorite movie (My Favorite Things from the masterpiece The Sound of Music, IYKYK). Copper also represents the Goddess of Love and is one of the most resilient metals.  Most importantly, it’s easy to say and spell.

Collective comes from the idea that I want it to be built by the women who inspired me to start (collectively, get it?) The working mom, the yo-pro that has happy hour on Friday and volunteers on Saturday, the thirty-something who is jumping on a plane to Miami for the weekend just because she can. I want this brand to be real, relatable, trendy, and strong. I want this brand to be a reflection of you.